Bloody Crocodile (فیلم تمساح خونی) is an Iranian action-comedy film directed by Javad Ezzati and produced by Kamran Hejazi produced in 1402. This work is Ezzati’s first film as a director, in which he starred alongside Abbas Jamshidifar, Elnaz Habibi, Behzad Khalj, Shabnam Ghorbani, Saeed Aghakhani, Jamshid Jahanzadeh, Ramin Puraiman and Kiyomarth Moradi.

The story of the film revolves around the two main characters, Homan (Javad Ezzati) and Peyman (Abbas Jamshidifar), who are facing a big problem and have a financial shortage. Therefore, they decide to turn to gambling.

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